SCR Secunderabad Apprentice Document Verification Date 2022
South Central Railway में 4103 Post पर ITI Pass candidates के लिए Apprenticeship निकल कर आई थी | जिसका फॉर्म भरने की तिथि 04-10-2021 से 03-11-2021 तक थी इसके हजारो कैंडिडेट्स ने फॉर्म को ऑनलाइन भरा तथा इसका 4 October 2021 को apprentice मेला में भी भरे गये फॉर्म है |

Official Notice जारी हो चुकी है ।

इसमें निम्न ट्रेड के candidates के द्वारा फॉर्म भरा गया है :
Sl. No | Trade | Total Seat |
1 | AC Mechanic | 250 |
2 | Carpenter | 18 |
3 | Diesel Mechanic | 531 |
4 | Electrician | 1019 |
5 | Electronic Mechanic | 92 |
6 | Fitter | 1460 |
7 | Machinist | 71 |
8 | MMTM | 5 |
9 | MMW | 24 |
10 | Painter | 80 |
11 | Welder | 553 |
Total Seat | 4103 |
South Central Railway के apprentice का document Verification 27-01-2022 से 03-01-2022 तक होना तय था लेकिन corona के बढ़ने के कारण इसे postponed कर दिया गया था | अब South Central Railway Apprentice का Document Verification का नया date निचे दिया गया है –
Date of DV Scheduled earlier | Revised date of DV |
27.01.2022 | 02.03.2022 |
28.01.2022 | 03.03.2022 |
31.01.2022 | 07.03.2022 |
01.02.2022 | 08.03.2022 |
02.02.2022 | 09.03.2022 |
Notice in English .
South Central Railway Conducting Document Verification of shortlisted candidates – Act Apprentice Notification No SCR/P-HQ/111/Act.App/2021 Dated 04.10.2021
With Reference to the above the DV Schedule to the shortlisted candidates for imparting Apprenticeship Training under Apprentice Act 1961 was communicated from 27.01.2022 to 02.02.2022 @170 candidates per day at each venue (Five days excluding Saturday and Sunday) at all divisional head quarters. Vide SCR Office notice Dated 24.01.2022 the above mentioned schedule was postponed as there is increasing case of Covid-19 to avoid further spread if virus.
The details of venue and time of document verification mentioned earlier remain same candidate are advised to report with the call letter already downloaded/received by post on the mentioned above.
The Revised Schedule is as follows :
Date of DV Scheduled earlier | Revised date of DV |
27.01.2022 | 02.03.2022 |
28.01.2022 | 03.03.2022 |
31.01.2022 | 07.03.2022 |
01.02.2022 | 08.03.2022 |
02.02.2022 | 09.03.2022 |
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