RCF ITI Railway latest apprentice 2022
Online application are invited in the preserved format for engagement of remaining 56 act apprentice for impart training in technical training centre Rail Coach Factory Kapurthala under the apprentice Act 1961 for the following trade. The eligible candidates and register here application online through below link.
Last Date of filling the form : | DD-MM-YYYY 31-01-2022 (24:00 Hrs) |
Last Date of Depositing the Fee (Only For Non Fee Exempted Candidates) | DD-MM-YYYY 04-02-2022 (24:00 Hrs) |
Help Line No. | 01822 – 227734, 227735 then dial Extension No. 92706 (Time from 10:00 a.m to 17:00 p.m except Sundays and Holidays) |

Selection will be on the basis of merit list prepared of all candidates who apply against the notification. The merit list will be prepared for the purpose on the. basis· of percentage of marks in matriculation (with minimum 50% of aggregate marks) + ITI marks in the trade in which apprenticeship is to be done. The panel will be on the basis of simple average of marks in the matriculation and ITI. For the purpose of calculation of percentage of matriculation, marks obtained -by the candidates in all subjects will be reckoned and not on the basis of marks of any subject or a group of subjects. For the purpose of calculation of percentage of ITI marks, marks mentioned in the
provisional/final certificate will be reckoned.
During submission of ONLINE application, a Registration number will be issued to each
applicant. Candidates are advised to preserve/note their Registration Number for further stage
of recrmtment process/corresoondence with RCF /Kapurthala.
- The candidates should have completed I 5 years of age and should not have completed 24 years of age as on 20.12.2021.
- Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years in case of SC/ST candidates and 03 years in case of OBC candidates.
- For Persons with Disability, upper age limit is relaxable by IO years.
- The Candidates must have passed 10th class examination or its equivalent ( under 10+2 examination system) with minimum 50% _ marks, in aggregate, from recognized Board and also possess National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by the National Council for Vocational Training.
- ii) Procedure for calculating %age of marks where cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is applicable.
- Suppose a candidate has got CGPA 7.4, First he will Multiply 7.4 with 9.5 and his %age will come as 70.3% (i.e.7.4 x 9.5).
- No fee is required to be paid by SC/ST/PWD/Women Candidates.
- GUR/OBC/ EWS 100/-
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