Eastern Railway Kanchrapara and Sealdah Apprentice Merit list 2021-2022, ITI Railway Apprentice Merit list
Railway Recruitment Cell Eastern Railway Kanchrapara and Sealdah Apprentice merit list: Railway Recruitment Cell Eastern Railway Kanchrapara and Sealdah Apprentice 2021-22 Notification का Document Verification merit list जारी कर दिया गया है साथ ही Document Verification 28-11-2022 से शुरू होने वाला है | अधिक जानकारी के लिए Video जरुर देखें |

Railway Zone | Eastern Railway |
Job Type | Apprenticeship |
Educational Qualification | ITI Pass in different trades |
Total Seats of ER Zone | 2972 |
Notification Year | 2021-2022 |
Start Date to Apply | 11-04-2022 |
Last Date | 20-05-2022 |
Kanchrapara and Sealdah Merit list | 07-11-2022 |
Document Verification Date | 28-11-2022 to 06-12-2022 |
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Eastern Railway Kanchrapara and Sealdah Unit DV date and Place 2022
Date | 28/11/2022 to 06/12/2022 (Except 01/12/22, 02/12/22, 03/12/22 and 04/12/22) |
Place | Kanchrapara Workshop (for Kanchrapara and Sealdah) |
Eastern Railway Apprentice DV required documents 2022
- 10 Copies of photographs which you had uploaded at the time of filling up of online application.
- 02 copies of the following documents self attested or attested by a Gazetted Officer along with the ORIGINAL of the same.
- Admit Card, Mark Sheet and Certificate of Secondary Examination.
- Admit Card, mark Sheet and Certificate of ITI Examination.
- Mark Sheet of Class-VIII passed
- Copy of Online Application Form
- Caste Certificate/Community Certificate as per reservation claimed, if any, while applying online.
- Voter Identity Card (Both sides)
- Aadhar Card (Both sides)
- PAN Card (Both sides)
- Candidates are also advised to submit the abovementioned documents in 2(two) sets i.e. each set will contain one copy of all the above mentioned documents.
- One Medical Certificate
Eastern Railway Apprentice Important Instructions 2022
- E-call letter is only a permission to appear for the DV and in no way guarantees engagement of the candidate for training. Issuing this E- call letter does not in any way indicate that RRC ER, KOLKATA is otherwise satisfied with online application form, details and documents.
- Candidate is hereby informed that the number of candidates being called for DV is the total candidates declared eligible by the units. Hence, merely qualifying in DV does not entitle a candidate, for inclusion in the next stage of selection process and the next stages of selection process for training is guided by extant rules only.
- The result of DV would also be uploaded on the official website of RRC- ER in due course. Candidates are advised to beware of fake website put up by unscrupulous elements and touts.
- Candidates finally enlisted would be engaged for training subject to be found fit in appropriate Medical standard.
- Candidates should also keep checking the Notice Board of RRC ER Kolkata website for latest updates and keep their registered mail id/mobile no. in working condition, till the finalization of all stages.
- Impersonation/malpractice/indiscipline in the DV will disqualify the candidate and he/she will be debarred from all future railway training. Candidate is also liable to be prosecuted under law.
- The decision of the Railway administration in regard to acceptance or otherwise of any candidature even without assigning any reason or in regard to selection of the candidates and their training will be final.
- In case of Administrative exigency, the venue/date/time of DV may be changed for all/some of the candidates.
- No hostel accommodation will be provided and selected candidates will have to make their own arrangement during their training as per Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and they will be released on completion of the training.
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Kanchrapara Apprentice Call letter Download | Click Here |
Kanchrapara and Sealdah Apprentice Merit list | Click Here |
Kanchrapara and Sealdah DV Notice | Click Here |
Jamalpur, Asansol and Malda Merit list | Click Here |
Jamalpur, Asansol and Malda Instructions | Click Here |
Download Merit, Notice, Call Letter Liluah and Howrah | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |
Medical Fitness Certificate | Click Here |
Central Caste Certificate | Click Here |
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