South Eastern Railway Apprentice Merit list 2023-24 out, 1785 Posts
RRC SER Kolkata Apprentice Merit List 2023-24: Railway Recruitment Cell South Eastern Railway Kolkata की ओर से ITI Pass Candidates के लिए 1785 Posts पर Apprentice निकली थी जिसका Online form 28-12-2023 तक भरा गया था | RRC SER Kolkata Apprentice में ITI Pass कई सारे Candidates ने Online form भरा था जिसका Merit list की जानकारी दी गई है | South Eastern Railway Apprentice online form भरने के बाद Candidates merit list का इंतजार कर रहें हैं |South Eastern Railway Apprentice का Merit list जारी कर दिया गया |

Railway Zone | South Eastern Railway Kolkata |
Recruitment Type | Apprenticeship |
Total Posts | 1785 |
Application Mode | Online |
Application Last Date | 28-12-2023 |
Qualification | ITI Pass |
Merit list Date | 18-04-2024 |
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RRC SER Apprentice Result Notice 2024
- A Centralized Notification calling for online applications for engagement /training of Act Apprentice in various discipline (for a total of 1785 slots) under the Apprentices Act-1961 was published vide Railway Recruitment Cell, South Eastern Railway’s Notification No. SER/P-HQ/RRC/PERS/Act Apprentices/2023-24 dated 29.11.2023.
- Based on the information furnished and preferences exercise by the applicants for training in various units, a select list has been prepared, unit-wise, for the subsequent stage of Document Verification and is enclosed. The schedule of the Document Verification is also mentioned therein. Call letters/Admit cards shall be sent by email of the candidates.
- Candidates can also download their Call Letters/ Admit Cards from the website Link for downloading the call letters/Admit Cards shall be provided on RRC website shortly.
- It may also be noted that Call Letters are not to be construed to be offers of appointment in Railway services and they are only meant for training as Apprentices in various establishments of the Railways. Candidates have been called for the Document Verification in 1.5 times of the vacancies. The candidature is purely provisional and subject to cancellation in the event of the information furnished vis-à-vis the documents produced not found in order, or the candidates not being adjudged medically suitable for training.
SER Kolkata Apprentice mode of Selecton 2023-24
- Selection will be on the basis of merit list prepared in respect of all the candidates who apply against the notification in respective trades.
- The merit list in each trade will be prepared percentage of marks obtained in Matriculation 50% marks
- For the purpose of calculation of percentage of matriculation, marks obtained by the candidates in all subjects will be reckoned and not on the basis of marks of any subject or group of subjects.
- Shortlisted candidates, thus enlisted in respective trades, will be called for document verification to the extent of 1.5 times of the notified vacancies.
- A final merit list will be prepared trade wise, community-wise equal to the number of slots in the descending order of percentage of marks obtained by the candidate, as stated above.
- The candidates finally engaged will be provided Stipends at the prescribed rate as per the provision.
RRC SER Kolkata Apprentice DV Documents Required 2023-24
- The printout of the filled in Application made online.
- Original certificate regarding your Date of Birth.
- Ofiginal certificate of Matriculation along with the statement of marks.
- Orfiginal valid certificate of having passed the ITI (in the trade in which Apprenticeship training is to be done).
- Original certificate in proper format as given in the Notification mentioning your community: OBC/SC/ST.
- Original certificate in proper format as given in the Notification in case you are a Person With Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) conforming to the types as mentioned in the Notification.
- Original certificate in proof of being an Ex-Serviceman (ESM) in case you are an ESM.
- One set of self attested copies of all the above-mentioned documents/ certificates/
testimonials. - Three recent passport sized photographs as provided/uploaded in the online application.
- Medical Fitness Certificate signed by Government authorized Doctor (Gaz), not below the rank of Asstt. Surgeon of Central/State Hospital as per the prescribed Medical Proforma attached with the Call Letter.
- COVID19- Self Declaration Form.
DV Date Soon | 01-05-2024 to 09-05-2024 |
Venue | BNR, Auditorium, South Eastern Railway (Head Quarter) Garden Reach, Kolkata-700043 |
Time | 10:00 |
RRC SER Kolkata Apprentice Merit list 2023-24
- RRC SER Kolkata Apprentice Merit list 18-04-2024 में जारी किया जा सकता है |
RRC SER Apprentice Merit list Sample 2024

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