RRC SECR Apprentice Final Merit list 2023: SECR Raipur की तरफ से ITI Pass candidates के लिए 23 May 2023 को Railway Apprentice निकली थी जिसका Document verification कराने हेतु 12 July 2023 को merit list जारी किया गया है | SECR Raipur द्वारा Apprentice Joining के लिए Final Merit list जारी कर दिया गया है | SECR Raipur Apprentice Merit list pdf download link निचे दिया गया है |
SECR Raipur Apprentice Joining Merit list Sample 2023
Notification was issued on 23.05.2023 for engagement of 696 and 337 Act Apprentice in Raipur Division and in WRS/Raipur respectively. The Provisional Merit list has been drawn out purely based on the aggregate of marks (Percentage i.e. of 10th plus ITI). Based on the above, the candidates bearing following Application Nos. are placed in the provisional merit list against the Trade applied and against the respective community
SECR Raipur Apprentice Joining Important notice 2023
Candidates who are not found eligible document verifcaton and not ft in medical test but their name appearing in the list due to typographical error may ignore this ofer and do not turn up for further process .
If it is notced that candidates furnished wrong informatonnfake certfcates, the railway administraton reserve the right to discharge/terminate the selected candidates at any stage without giving notce even afer his selecton to undergo training.
Candidates may carefully note that No TA/DA will be allowed for reporting
Candidates may note that there is NO Lodging/Boarding/Messing arranging from Railway administration will be made for the trainees. Candidates may arrange their own Lodging/Boarding/Messing during the apprenticeship period.