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Rajasthan technical helper vacancy 2022

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Rajasthan Technical Helper Vacancy 2022 1512 Post पर निकल कर आई है | विद्युत वितरण निगमों में तकनिकी सहायक तृतीय के 1512 पदों पर भर्ती हेतु आवेदन पत्र आमंत्रित

Rajasthan Technical 3 की भर्ती निकल के आ गई है | प्रदेश की तीनों विद्युत वितरण निगम में तकनिकी सहायक तृतीय के 1512 पदों पर भर्ती होगी | इसक लिए जयपुर डिस्कॉम द्वारा तीनों विद्युत वितरण निगमों की और से भर्ती हेतु आवेदन पत्र आमंत्रित किये गये है |

उर्जा श्री भंवर सिंह भाटी ने बताया कि तकिनिक सहायक तृतीय के जयपुर डिस्कॉम में 1035 पदों पर, अजमेर डिस्कॉम में 80 पदों पर व जोधपुर डिस्कॉम में 397 पदों पर भर्ती की जाएगी | तकनीकी सहायक भर्ती हेतु 9 फरवरी से 28 फरवरी 2022 तक 18 से 28 वर्ष आयु सीमा के योग्यताधारी इच्छुक अभ्यर्थी ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं |

जयपुर अजमेर व् जोधपुर विद्युत वितरण निगम में तकनीकी सहायक तृतीय के 1512 पदों हेतु माध्यमिक स्कूल परीक्षा तथा लाइनमैन, इलेक्ट्रीशियन पॉवर इलेक्ट्रीशियन, वायरमैन, एसबी\ए व्यवसाय में आईटीआई (NCVT/SCVT) व NAC शैक्षणिक योग्यता निर्धारित की गई है |

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Recruitment of Technical Helper-Ill

Advertisement No.JVVNL/KarmiklRectt./O1/2021-22

The State Power Distribution Companies, commonly known as DISCOMS, wholly owned by the Government of Rajasthan are engaged in the field of distribution of electricity in the State of Rajasthan. The main objective of these companies is to provide uninterrupted power supply and quality services to consumers in their respective area. For achieving this goal, three Distribution Companies are looking forward for promising and committed candidates who are willing to join these Power Distribution Companies for building their bright career.

Online applications are invited for appointment to the post of Technical Helper-ITT in following three Power Distribution Companies of Rajasthan whose area of Operation is detailed below:

No. of vacancies can be increased or decreased depending upon requirement & availability/non-availability of vacancies due to one or other reason(s) in the concerned company. No notification/corrigendum shall be issued for any such change(s).

Educational Qualification:

Candidate must possess the qualification of Secondary from RBSE/CBSE or any equivalent Board alongwith ITT (NCVT!SCVT)!NAC or equivalent qualification in the trade of Electrician/ Lineman!SBA/Wireman/Power Electrician


The candidate must have attained the age of 18 years and should not be more than 28 years on 01.01.2023. However, as direct recruitment in Discoms was not done in previous two year(s), two years relaxation in upper age limit shall be admissible.

5 years in the case of candidate belonging to the Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Backward Classes — Non Creamy Layer (BC-NCL), More Backward Classes – Non Creamy Layer (MBC-NCL) and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS).

Selection Procedure:

Computer based “common competitive examination” for the post of Technical Helper-ITT shall be conducted through online mode. The selection process will consist of two phases i.e. Pre & Main examinations. The pre-examination will only be for screening and shortlisting of candidates. There shall be no weightage of marks secured in pre examination for preparing final merit after main examination. The pre examination shall consist of objective type questions on General Awareness and Technical Knowledge. There shall be 100 questions carrying 1 mark for each. The break-up of question paper, marks and syllabus shall be as hereunder:

All candidates applying for the post of TH-II1 will have to appear in the pre examination. The number of candidates to be admitted in the main examination will be 10 times the total number of vacancies, but in the said range all those candidates who secure the same marks as may be fixed for any lower range will be admitted to the main examination

Main examination shall consist of two parts. The standard and syllabus of part ‘A’ and part ‘B’ shall be as under: –

The Question Paper of phase I & phase II i.e. Pre and Main shall consist of ‘Objective Type Question’ with five options as answer. The Question Paper shall be ‘bilingual’ i.e. both in English & Hindi, but in case of any confusion/ambiguity with regard to interpretation or printing error, the English version of question shall
prevail. The part of Technical Knowledge in pre and main exam shall be common for all trades i.e. Electrician/Lineman! SBA/Wireman/Power Electrician.

There shall be no negative marking.


The Centre for examination will be kept in Rajasthan preferably in Jaipur, Kota, Ajmer, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Sriganganagar, Hanumangarh, Sikar and Alwar. Candidates are advised to give preference for exam centres as per their choice, but allotment of centres will be done as per administrative convenience and availability of seats..

Application Fee

The application fee payable is as under:

CategoryApplication fee
UR(Gen.) if annual income of family is Rs. 2.50 Lakh or moreRs. 1200/-
UR(Gen.) if annual income of family is less than Rs.2.50 Lakh/SC/ST/BC-Non Creamy Layer MBC-Non Creamy Layer! EWS!PwBD(HH). Rs. 1000/-

Apply LinkJVVNL
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