
Railway Gatemen Contract Basis Engagement RBE No. 104/2024 order out

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Engagement of Ex-Servicemen as Gatemen on Contract Basis: Railway Recruitment Board Ministry of Railways ने Ex-Servicemen को Gatemen Posts पर Contract Basis engagement Civil & Traffic दोनों Departments के लिए 31.12.2024 को extend कर दी गई है | आ ये Scheme बढाकर 31.12.2027 कर दी गई है | RRB के letter RBE No. 104/2024 में Engagement of Ex-Servicemen as Gatemen on Contract Basis की जानकारी दी गई है | इसके पहले RBE No. 20/2024 में इस scheme को बढ़ाने की notice जारी कर दिया गया था | फिर RBE No. 90/2024 Notice में भी इस scheme को बढ़ाने की notice जारी कर दिया गया था | आज फिर इस Scheme को 3 सालों के लिए बढ़ा दिया गया |

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Recruitment OrganizationsMinistry of Railway
Notice No.RBE No. 104/2024
SubjectEngagement of Ex-Servicemen as Gatemen on Contract Basis.
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Engagement of Ex-Servicemen as Gatemen on Contract Basis

Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2021/RC-4/1 dated 01.10.2024 (RBE No.90/2024)

RBE No. 104/2024 New Delhi, dated 06.11.2024

  • In terms of Board’s letter cited under reference, the scheme for engagement of Ex- servicemen as Gatemen (both Civil & Traffic Departments) on contract basis was last extended up to 31.12.2024.
  • The aforesaid scheme has been reviewed and it has now been decided to extend the scheme of engagement of Ex-servicemen on contract basis against the existing vacancies for a further period of three years beyond 31.12.2024 i.e. up to 31.12.2027 subject to following conditions:-
    • The General Managers may engage Ex-servicemen as Gatemen on contract basis with the concurrence of associate finance against vacancies as per the same terms and conditions as applicable on the present scheme (RBE No.90/2024).
    • Engagement should be made in the category of Gateman only.
    • In case there still remains shortage of personnel in any specific Division/Railway, due to non-availability of adequate number of Ex-servicemen, retired personnel from Central Armed Police Forces (Ex-CAPF personnel as defined in Ministry of Home Affair’s OM No.27011/100/2012-R&W dated 23.11.2012) may also be considered.
    • Since the actual requirement at each Railway is a dynamic figure dependent on the results of recruitment exercises and other factors, existing vacancies should be considered a maximum limit for hiring Gatemen on a contract basis. These vacancies should be regularly reviewed to ensure they align with current requirements and needs.
    • It may be ensured that the engagement of Ex-servicemen, retired personnel from Central Armed Police Forces (Ex-CAPF personnel) as Gatemen on contract basis is mandatorily done through GeM only.
    • This Scheme will be in addition to the existing scheme of re-engagement of retired Railway staff against vacancies, issued under RBE No. 96/2024 dated 15.10.2024.
    • It is reiterated that the above engagements should be phased out gradually with the joining of regular employees. This should be closely monitored at zonal level.

Old scheme notice RBE NO. 90/2024

RRB RBE No. 20/2024

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