
Railway ALP Recruitment New Official Notice 2024

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Railway ALP Recruitment New Official Notice 2024: Railway Recruitment Board has published CEN 01/2024 For the recruitment of Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) with 5696 vacancies all over the Indian Railways. In this regard there are some misconceptions amongst the aspirants and some coaching institutes regarding status of Vacancies. In this connection the coaching institutes who are coming under the RRB Mumbai’s jurisdiction are requested to attend the online meeting with the chairperson of Railway Recruitment Board Mumbai on 29/01/2024 at 15:00 hrs.

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Recruitment OrganizationsMinistry of Railway
Recruitment PostsAssistant Loco Pilot
Qualification10th+ITI, 10th+NAC, Diploma, Degree
Application ModeOnline
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Railway ALP Recruitment Latest Notice By RRB CR

  • Railway Recruitment Board has published CEN 01/2024 For the recruitment of Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) with 5696 vacancies all over the Indian Railways. In this regard there are some misconceptions amongst the aspirants and some coaching institutes regarding status of Vacancies. In this connection the coaching institutes who are coming under the RRB Mumbai’s jurisdiction are requested to attend the online meeting with the chairperson of Railway Recruitment Board Mumbai on 29/01/2024 at 15:00 hrs. All coaching institutes desiring to have a talk with Chairman can give WhatsApp message on mobile no. 9004499042 of showing their willingness. A link will be shown on this website only at 13:00 hrs on 29/01/24.
  • रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ने पूरे भारतीय रेलवे में 5696 रिक्तियों के साथ सहायक लोको पायलट (एएलपी) की भर्ती के लिए सीईएन 01/2024 प्रकाशित किया है। इस संबंध में रिक्तियों की स्थिति के संबंध में उम्मीदवारों और कुछ कोचिंग संस्थानों के बीच कुछ गलतफहमियां हैं। इस संबंध में आरआरबी मुंबई के अधिकार क्षेत्र में आने वाले कोचिंग संस्थानों से अनुरोध है कि वे 29/01/2024 को 15:00 बजे रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड मुंबई के अध्यक्ष के साथ ऑनलाइन बैठक में भाग लें। चेयरमैन से बात करने के इच्छुक सभी कोचिंग संस्थान अपनी इच्छा जाहिर करते हुए मोबाइल नंबर 9004499042 पर व्हाट्सएप संदेश दे सकते हैं। इस वेबसाइट पर 29/01/24 को 13:00 बजे ही एक लिंक दिखाया जाएगा।

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