IFFCO Apprenticeship 2022-23 Exam Date, Admit card download
IFFCO में apprentice फॉर्म भरे candidates को Exam date, Admit Card, Exam URL Mail के माध्यम से भेजा गया है | इसकी पूरी जानकारी की निचे दी गई है |
Mock Test | 16/05/2022 (Monday) at 1:00 PM, Test Duration 15 minutes. |
Final Test | 18/05/2022 (Wednesday) at 11:00 PM, Test Duration 60 minutes. |

Venue of Exam | Online (Any Where- Cyber cafe/Home) |
Login ID, and Password | Send on Mail by IFFCO |

Please note, the scheduled test will be conducted in two phases. Firstly, a mock test will be conducted so that students are sensitized to the actual test. The students must necessarily have a laptop/desktop with Microphone and Camera to be able to give this test. Please note that this test cannot be given through the Mobile.
- The Tests for Diploma and B.Sc. candidates will be in English Language only and bilingual for ITI candidates i.e. English and Hindi both. The Questions will appear one at a time. You can navigate between the questions by using the Next button only. Once you go to the next question, you cannot go back to the previous question.
- Timer will start as soon as you click START button. The time allotted and time left to complete the question paper will be shown on the screen. You will be automatically stopped from answering questions when the time allotted is over and the question paper will be deemed to be submitted.
- There will be 100 multiple choice questions in the On-line Test of one mark each. The test will comprise of 70 MCQs on Subject related questions of your domain/trade and 30 MCQs on General Aptitude. There will be no negative marking and all questions are Mandatory.
- It is not recommended to take this test from any mobile device. Use of Laptop/Desktop enabled with Web Camera is mandatory to appear for the online Test.
- For the Final test, you should login at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the on-line test i.e. at 10.30 AM and wait for 30 minutes to take the test sharp at 11 AM.
- The on-line test must be attempted only by using a suitable Laptop / Desktop. The test will be conducted through AI-proctored platform along with Manual Proctoring (Invigilation) and the URL is valid for one-time use only. You are advised to sit in a close room having proper light near the Wi-Fi Router/Modem with battery of your laptop fully Charged / Desktop well connected.
- The online examination system bears Artificial Intelligence (AI) features which will be continuously monitoring the students during the entire duration of examination. It will continuously Record your Live Video, your Images and the Screens of your Laptop/Desktop.
- In addition to the auto proctoring by the online examination system, Manual Proctors (Invigilators) will continuously watch and monitor the students during the entire duration of the examination.
- Once the examination starts, you will not be allowed to change the examination window program. The submit button will be at the end of question paper. However, if time allotted is over, it will be submitted automatically.
- Keep A4 sheets, Pen and other stationery items ready for rough work.
- IFFCO will not be responsible for any malfunction on computer of candidate due to (but not limited to) Hardware, Software, Internet connectivity, Electricity etc.
- In case if you are facing any technical issues during the Online Test, please reach out to below system administrators in the below contact numbers:-9667733734 / 0120-6740105 or drop an email at recruitment@iffco.in
- During the proctored online test, you are required to comply with the directions given by the proctor at any time during the test.
- You are required to keep any valid identity proof like student identity Card, Driving License, Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Passport, etc. readily available with you during the entire online test. The identity proof must be made available to the proctor at any time during the test on demand.
- You will only be allowed to appear for the online test by the Proctor/ Test approver after matching your captured image with the identity proof produced by yourself during the online test. If the same is found to be false at any time during or after the online test then IFFCO Management will be free to disqualify you from the said test without assigning any reason and you will have no claim whatsoever on this account.
System requirements for taking the Online Test :-–
- Please ensure that you are seated alone in a room for taking the examinations. Also ensure that you are seated in a well illuminated area for taking the examination.
- Please note that the following hardware and software requirements:
- Hardware: Laptop/Desktop PC with Webcam and Microphone
- Operating System: Windows (7 and above) / MAC OS
- Browser: Google Chrome (Version 75 and above), Mozilla Firefox (Version 70 and above)
- Internet Bandwidth: The minimum required bandwidth is 1 Mbps of internet speed on each machine.
Machine Configuration: RAM – RAM – Minimum 2GB (though 4GB is recommended), Processor Speed- 1.5 Ghz and above. Preferred Operating System Windows 10. - Preferred browsers: For taking the test, recommended browsers are Google Chrome (Ver. 75 or above), Mozilla Firefox (Ver. 70 or above). Candidate using any apple device, kindly use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome to take the test. Test till not work on Safari browser.
- A web camera must be available for the test. Must have Laptop/Desktop for taking the test.
- Microphone is recommended.
- Valid Id proof like Student ID Card/Government ID Card/Hostel ID Card ONLY
- If your internet disconnects during submission contact the Help center on the given number and do not close your window.
- Make sure that pop-up blocker is disabled on your browser. Any notifications related to antivirus, windows update, email notifications etc. will be counted as navigation.
For taking the test, recommended browsers are Google Chrome (Ver. 75 or above), Mozilla Firefox (Ver. 70 or above).
Chrome browser for MAC OS users. (Laptop)
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