HAL Nasik Apprentice DV Schedule 2023: HAL Nasik की ओर से ITI, Diploma, Graduate Candidates के लिए Apprentice 647 Posts पर निकली थी जिसका Online form 2nd August 2023 से 23 August 2023 तक भरा गया था |HAL Nasik Apprentice का Result जारी कर दिया गया है | HAL Nasik Apprentice Document Verification 6th September से 16th September 2023 तक होने वाला है | HAL Nasik Apprentice का Document Verification के लिए Selected Candidates को mail आया है |
Certificate (passing/provisional) and mark sheets of Graduate/Diploma/ITI
SSC/HSC board certificate and mark sheet
Documents if applicable
Caste certificate (OBC/SC/ST)
Valid Non Creamy layer Certificate: For OBC-In Central government format.
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) : Income and Asset verification certificate
Person with Disability: PWD
MSI Card: For HAL wards (Son/Daughter)
HAL Apprentice DV Training 2023
Apprenticeship training is for one year and the stipend for the period will as per the apprenticeship act 1961.
HAL Nasik will not be under any obligation to provide employment on completion of the Apprenticeship Training.
The candidate has to make his/her own arrangement for accommodation & travelling for the engagement process.
Apprenticeship is governed by Govt Guidelines which mandate Graduate/ Diploma candidates to begin apprentice training within 3 years of their passing date. Therefore only those candidates who have passed their final exam after Sept 2020 are eligible for Graduate/Diploma apprenticeship.