DRDO Apprentice merit list 2023: DRDO की ओर से ITI, Diploma, Graduate Candidates के लिए Apprentice निकली थी जिसका all India के हजारो ITI Pass Candidates ने Online form भरा था जिसका Document Verification के लिए 11 April 2023 को Merit list जारी हुआ था जिसको Accept करने का 17-April-23 last date था | DRDO द्वारा Apprentice का Final Merit list जारी कर दिया गया है |
Refer to Advt No. GTRE/HRD/026/2023-24 dated 24th February 2023
The Provisional selected candidates for Apprenticeship Training Programme 2023 at GTRE is published herewith.
The Provisionally Selected Candidates are requested to read the attached joining instruction for follow up actions.
The list is valid for 1 Month from the date of joining Apprenticeship Training 8th May 2023 to 7th June 2023. If Candidate fail to join within stipulated period, his/her candidature will not be considered.
Candidates are required to report to CV Raman Nagar Gate Security Office, Gas Turbine Research Establishment , C.V. Raman Nagar , Bangalore-560 093 for Joining on any working day during 8th May-7th June 2023.
All Saturday & Sunday are observed as closed holidays.