Department of Atomic Energy Recruitment 2022
Directorate of Construction, Services and Estate Management (DCSEM), a constituent unit of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) is responsible for providing infrastructural support and executing construction works for various Units of DAE including its Aided Institutions. DCSEM is responsible for operation and maintenance of various services, estate management for the housing colonies of DAE at Mumbai. This Directorate also takes up project management consultancy for other Government Departments.

Applications are invited in the attached format from young, dynamic and dedicated candidates fulfilling the qualifications, having minimum age of 18 years and maximum age as prescribed against each post as on 29.04.2022 for the following posts in DCSEM.
Technician/B (Group C post-Level 3 in the Pay Matrix-Entry pay: Rs.21700 plus DA and other allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees)
No. of vacancies: 20 (ST-3 / OBC-8# / EWS-2 / UR-7) Includes 3 backlog vacancies.
One post each is reserved for HH (Hearing Handicapped) and OH (Orthopedically Handicapped) as given below. Physical disability should not be less than 40%.

Selection process consists of the following:
Stage-1 – Preliminary Test:
Test will be common for all disciplines and consist of 50 multi choice questions (choice of 4 answers) of one hour duration in the following proportion.
a. Mathematics (20 Questions)
b. Science (20 Questions)
c. General Awareness (10 Questions).
Marking Scheme: 3 marks will be awarded for each correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
Note: Candidates scoring <40% in General Category will be screened out. For reserved candidates, the lowest cutoff will not be fixed below 30%.
Stage-2 – Advanced Test:
All candidates screened in Stage-1 will be allowed to undertake an Advanced Test for the said post The test will comprise 50 multi choice questions (choice of 4 answers) of two hours duration.
Marking Scheme: 3 marks will be awarded for each correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
Note: Candidates scoring <30% in General Category will be screened out. For reserved candidates, the lowest cutoff will not be fixed below 20%.
Stage-I and II tests will be conducted on the same day
Merit list of candidates will be prepared after Stage-2 based upon the scores obtained in Stage-2 only.
Stage-3 – Trade/Skill Test:
Based upon the Merit List prepared after Stage-2, candidates will be shortlisted for Skill Test.
The number of candidates shortlisted for Skill Test would depend upon the number of candidates qualifying for
Stage-2 but will not exceed 4-5 times the number of vacancies for the said post. The skill test will be conducted
on a Go/No-Go basis for qualifying the candidates

Application should be made on good quality white A-4 size plain paper and should be in conformity with the format prescribed in this advertisement. Candidates are advised to ensure that the application is legible, preferably typed in English or Hindi only. At this staqe, only application has to be sent. Copies of certificates need not be sent.
The Application and the outer cover should be superscribed as “Application for the post of __________________________Post Code.__ against Advertisement No.DCSEM/01/2022
The application should be addressed to
Assistant Personnel Officer,
Recruitment Section,
Directorate of Construction, Services & Estate Management,
2nd floor, Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan,
Mumbai – 400 094
Separate application should be submitted for each post, if a candidate wishes to apply for more than one post.
PHOTOGRAPH : A recent passport size colour photograph with white background with name and date should be affixed on the right hand top corner of the application. The face in the photo should be straight and both ears are visible. Two additional copies of passport size photograph should also be sent along with the application.
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