Rail Kaushal Vikas Yojana 21th Batch Training 2023: प्रधानमंत्री रेल कौशल विकास योजना के अंतर्गत 10th Pass Candidates के लिए Training का Form निकला है | Rail Kaushal Vikas Yojana 21th Batch Training Online form आ चूका है |Rail Kaushal Vikas Yojana Training 18 दिनों की होगी जिसका Online form 07-05-2023 से 20-05-2023 तक भर पाएंगे | Rail Kaushal Vikas Yojana के अंतर्गत 10th Pass candidates को Railway में ITI के कई Trades में से किसी एक trade में training के लिए select करके 18 दिनों के लिए select करती है |
Selection के लिए Merit list 10th Class के Percentage Marks के आधार पर होगा |
CGPA Candidates का Result 9.5 के आधार पर Percentage Formula Calculate किया जायेगा |
RKVY Training Important Notice 2023
No Reservation
No Clam for Job in Railway
Duration of Course
3 weeks (18 Days)
Pass Criteria
55% in Written 60% in Practical
No any Payment
RKVY Training Other Details 2023
Training will be provided free of cost but candidate will have to make their own arrangements for fooding and lodging.
No allowance like daily allowance /conveyance allowance or travelling allowance etc. will be paid to the trainee.
Training only in daytime.
Candidate shall be required to give an affidavit (Notarized affidavit with a non-judicial stamp of Rs.10) about following rules, discipline safety guidance as issued by Institute and will not make any claim on employment etc.